February 16, 2017
Dr. Christina Paxson
Office of the President
Brown University
1 Prospect Street
Box 1860
Providence, RI 02912
Dear Christy,
I have so many fond memories of your magnificent state, Rhode Island. My old friend Lincoln Chafee used to take me on the Newport Dinner Train, or the "Ice Cream Train," as they used to call it when I came on board. They had these beautiful old Pullman rail cars, just chugging along, and we would look out at Narragansett Bay and one time we saw this giant osprey. This thing was so big, literally the size of a grown man in terms of wingspan. And Senator Chafee—excuse me, he was governor at the time—Governor Chafee, he was a Republican who became a Democrat. Can you believe that?
我对你们美丽的罗德岛有很多美好的回忆。我的老朋友林肯 · 查菲(Lincoln Chafee)过去常常带我乘坐纽波特晚餐列车,或者"冰淇淋列车"——当我上车时,他们常常这样称呼它。乘着这些美丽的老普尔曼火车车厢隆隆前进,就能看到纳拉甘西特湾,有一次我们甚至看到了一只巨大的鱼鹰。这东西太大了,它展开双翼简直有一个成年人那么大。还有查菲参议员——不好意思,他当时还是州长——查菲州长,他是共和党人,后来变成了民主党人。你能相信吗?
So this osprey would swoop down into the bay—plow!—and snatch a fish right out of the water. Man, that thing could hunt. And he tells me, the governor, he says that ospreys have this special talon that rotates up to 360 degrees. I wish I could demonstrate in person, but it's a trait that evolved to help them hold on to these fish. Anyone who's ever tried to grab hold of one knows how slippery they can get. Of course, our fingers aren't as advanced. We developed tools to help us hunt, and then we invented farming and so on. By the time trains came around, that's what really built this great country, took us all the way to California.
That reminds me. There was a guy who ran steel out to Ohio, so I decided to ride out with him and see what it was like. And I was driving, going through Shiloh, in Richland County. His handle was "Big 10," and all the truck stops were under blockade at the time. Remember? During the strike, must have been 1979. Jill and I were newlyweds. Couldn't keep our hands off each other. And she thought I was crazy for wanting to haul steel. And this trucker gets on the radio, he says, "Big 10 wanting to come in." I forget exactly how he said it. And the only woman truck driver I ever knew I met that day. She said, "This is Big Mama. No room." Swear to God. True story.
这倒提醒了我。曾经有个家伙要把钢材运到俄亥俄州,所以我决定和他一起去那里看看。当时我开车经过里奇兰县的夏伊洛。他的代号是"Big 10",所有的卡车停靠点都被封锁了。还记得吗?在罢工期间,应该是1979年。Jill和我刚新婚不久,那时我们还不能不碰对方。她觉得我想运钢材的念头简直是疯了。有个卡车司机在广播里说"Big 10想进来"。我记不清他具体是怎么说的了。那天我见到的唯一一个女卡车司机说"这是大妈,没你的位置了。"我发誓这是真实的故事。
Anyway, I am writing to recommend [Chris Li] for admission to Brown University. He is a bright, young Chinese fellow who comes from a very prosperous family. I didn't meet a lot of Chinese growing up in Scranton, but my father was a car salesman and his boss used to always say he wished he'd married an Asian gal to help him run the books and keep all the numbers in order. Now, that was before the Japanese started kicking our butts in the 1980s, when everyone started driving Toyotas and Hondas, and they were sending us all sorts of fancy gadgets. You know, I remember during my first campaign for reelection I used to hang out backstage with a Walkman, literally, with the headphones on, listening to "Bad Girls" by Donna Summer on cassette. "Looking for some hot stuff, baby."
言归正传,我向布朗大学推荐[Chris Li]。他是一个聪明的、家里很有钱的年轻中国小伙子。我在斯克兰顿长大,并没有遇到过太多中国人,但我的汽车销售员父亲,他的老板过去常常说希望可以娶一个亚洲女孩来帮助他管理账目,让所有的数据井井有条。那是在80年代日本人开始打败我们之前,人人都开着丰田和本田,他们送给我们各种各样的新奇小玩意儿。我记得在我第一次竞选连任的时候,我经常在后台拿着随身听,戴着耳机听唐娜·萨默的《坏女孩》录音带,"寻找一些热的东西,宝贝。"
Accordingly, I am recommending [Chris Li] for your finest math program. I mean that from the bottom of my heart. I am positive that he will be as generous a contributor to your family as his father has been to ours.
因此,我由衷地向你最优秀的数学项目推荐[Chris Li]。我相信他会像他父亲为我们家庭慷慨贡献那样,为你的家庭做出贡献。
Joseph R. Biden, Jr.
从报道来看,拜登曾写过推荐信这事儿是真的,而且除了布朗大学,这位Chris Li还申请了康奈尔大学和纽约大学。
不过当时的新闻并没有公布Chris Li的申请结果,我们也无法得知拜登的"力荐"是否奏效,而且也有网传说这封推荐的内容是美国媒体在整活儿,真实性存疑。
所以别说推荐Chris Li了,就算是推荐Chris Wu都能直接套用。